The Summer of Wichita Outsourcing: Workers Compensation Changes

October 10, 2023

Several changes to Kansas worker's compensation laws could affect you and your business.[caption id="attachment_1387" align="alignright" width="250"]

workers compensation claim

Ouch. For you, too.[/caption]Here is what a few of them mean for Wichita small business owners.

  • Injuries must be reported within 30 days. Why this is important: It reduces the amount of time, and thus, your risk exposure and encourages prompt, honest reporting.
  • Work must be the "prevailing factor" in the injury in order for a claim to be upheld. Why this is important: Prior to May 15, 2011, workers could claim that work aggravated pre-existing conditions.
  • Some injuries and accidents that were formerly considered work-related will no longer create an employer liability. Why this is important: While you still want to maintain a safe work environment, there could be cost savings to you.

Even if you are currently using an outsourcing company for your human resources management needs, you need to familiarize yourself with the latest changes to the laws. You can view the full list of processes and procedures from the state here:

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