Leaderhip Team
Years at Syndeo:
Leaderhip Team
Megan Henry
Megan joined Syndeo as a member of our human resources team. Prior to that, she spent time working in the pharmacy and medical industries.
She says working in the field of HR gives her opportunities to be involved with the various facets of an organization while tackling different challenges every day. She also enjoys the service aspect of the industry, something she learned by being involved with a family-owned restaurant for 20 years.
Megan is originally from Preston, KS, but grew up going to school in Pratt before going on to Fort Hays State University. There she earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and also received certifications in leadership studies and human resource management.
Megan is married and has four children. Family time spent camping, fishing, and traveling are among her favorite pastimes. She says life is short, so live it to the fullest.